BioSys Laboratories
Since 1994, BioSys Laboratories has been successfully serving the medical community by supplying a variety of products, both branded and private label. These products include urine test strips and analyzers, urine control solutions, microscope slides, cover glass, 5-Slide mailers, and ultrasound gel. BioSys Laboratories is now pleased to introduce its new CLIA-Waived UriScan Microalbumin / Creatinine Urine Test Strips, in both a 2-test and a 10-test format, with maximum efficiency and reimbursement.
Why Choose BioSys Laboratories?

High Quality Products
All of BioSys Laboratories’ products have been thoroughly tested via rigorous quality control processes and have been sold in the U.S. and beyond for 25+ years. This longevity is not possible without the highest quality products.

Affordable Products
BioSys Laboratories’ distributor customers receive greater profit margins while their end-user customers receive a high quality product at below market prices.

CLIA Waived Products
BioSys Laboratories’ UriScan urine test strips and Optima urine analyzer are waived products under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA).

Superior Customer Service
BioSys Laboratories is easy to reach via our national, toll-free line. We provide lifetime technical support for all our products.

About Us
BioSys Laboratories’ products are high quality alternatives to name brand products, all at affordable prices. The result is a win-win situation for all.
Featured Products

UriScan Optima Urine Analyzer
- 36 tests per hour routine mode;
300 tests per hour quick mode - Sleek, compact design with TFT LCD display with touchscreen
- For use with 10SGL, 10ACR, 6L, 2ACR, and other UriScan urine test strips
- 510(k) cleared and CLIA-waived

UriScan Microalbumin/
Creatinine Urine Test Strips
- Two Configurations of ACR: UriScan 2ACR and UriScan 10ACR
- Calculates Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio (ACR) to detect early kidney disease
- 510(k) cleared and CLIA-waived
- 10ACR allows for maximum reimbursement under 3 CPT codes:
- General urinalysis
- Microalbumin
- Creatinine

BioSys Plus Liquid Urinalysis Controls
- Ready-to-use liquid controls designed to validate urine reagent strips and qualitative hCG
- Positive and negative controls in each package
- 2-year refrigerated stability; 30-day stability at room temperature
- Compatible with all leading brands of urine strips
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